PPO-Elektroniikka Oy

PPO-Elektroniikka Oy specializes in safety technology. We have been solving our customers’ technical challenges and problems since 1981. All of our solutions improve safety and minimize and prevent damage.

We initially aimed to develop a system to improve electrical safety in operating rooms. The first insulation monitoring device, MEV-3, was launched at the beginning of 1982. Our MEV-3 revealed a big problem in hospitals; many more devices had electrical current leakages than expected. Therefore, the authorities decided in 1983 that this kind of equipment became mandatory in Finnish operating rooms.

MEV® Insulation Monitoring System

Our MEV-insulation monitoring system has saved lives and protected valuable equipment in Finnish hospitals since 1982. Electrical current leakage is a real danger to staff and patients; it can cause a fatal electric shock without any visible signs. No operation will be performed in Finnish operating rooms if insulation monitoring is not used.

Wellbeing services counties in Finland and private hospitals use the MEV insulation monitoring system. Our fifth-generation MEV-8 has been in production since 2020. We developed it in cooperation with hospital engineers. The new-generation equipment meets all international regulatory acts and technical standards.


In addition to MEV®, we have other technology solutions:

With our solutions, we aim to improve safety and reduce and prevent damage.

  • Fire safety: PPO® ForExt Forest Fire Extinguishing Agent
  • Wireless Data & Control
  • Lighting solutions
  • Positioning and tracking solutions

International cooperation

We have been working with our excellent partners and subcontractors for decades. At the International level, we have partners and customers in 28 countries, including Sweden, Denmark, the Baltic States, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Germany, Austria, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia.

We take care of our customers

We provide our customers with high-quality products and solutions and personalized service. Our strength is delivering systems from designing to implementation and offering support and maintenance to our clients.

PPO-Elektroniikka is a member of the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, the largest Chamber of Commerce in the Nordics. We are also a member of the Finnish Association of Hospital Engineering.

We are also in the network of Finnish export companies: Business Finland (Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion. Business Finland’s 600 experts work in 40 offices globally and 16 regional offices around Finland. Business Finland is part of the Team Finland network.)

We have received the highest credit rating from Bisnode Finland. We have also achieved the highest Rating Alfa of Suomen Asiakastieto Oy. Only a tiny amount of Finnish companies have earned these ratings.

We take care of our environment

We operate on the principle of sustainable development and take care of our environment.

The insulation level monitoring solution we manufacture in Finland indicates long-life solutions designed according to the principle of sustainable development.

We are responsible for our products and their proper recycling. As a Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd member, we fulfil our producer responsibility obligations.

We are a member of the SELT Association, which recycles electrical and electronic equipment.

PPO-Elektroniikka Oy is your trusted Finnish provider of professional electronics solutions.

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PPO Elektroniikka Oy

Kaarelantie 21
00430 Helsinki

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Copyright © 2025 PPO-Elektroniikka Oy. PPO® is a registered trademark of PPO-Elektroniikka Oy.
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