This spring, we have the opportunity to explore the international medical insulation monitoring market with our mentors. We are participating in the IMIB project (The Immigrants as Mentors for Internationalizing Businesses), coordinated by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and co-implemented by Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
For the next three months, our MEV®-8 export project team includes talented Metropolia students connected to us by the project’s career coach, Oscar Smart.
On the project’s kick-off day, we presented the features and functionality of our MEV®-8 insulation level monitoring system. We discussed the international landscape of electrical safety monitoring in G2 premises across hospitals in different countries.
We’re thrilled to collaborate with this talented trio. They are mapping out the state of electrical safety in various countries and spreading the word about optimising electrical safety monitoring in G2 rooms.

The IMIB project supports the employment of international students and recent graduates by equipping them with workplace and entrepreneurial skills while connecting them with companies in Uusimaa.
−We encourage companies to get involved in these projects. It’s an excellent networking opportunity and may even lead to something long-lasting, like a new member joining your team. Over the years, we have been involved in various student projects and had good experiences with them, says Timo Ohtonen, CEO of PPO-Elektroniikka.
For more information, please contact:
Timo Ohtonen, CEO, PPO-Elektroniikka Oy, Tel. +358 9 566 09210, +358 400 420393
You can find more details about the project on the Metropolia website: